נחמי גלויבר בסינגל מגש וקליפ מושקע | בורא עולם גוט מארגן | צפו


When I wake up in the morning and realize I'm still alive, I feel like I've been given another chance to do well in life. I get ready to tackle the day's challenges with energy and happiness. I look up and feel thankful to the "borei olam" for this new opportunity. I quietly say יהי רצון שתולכינו, asking for guidance throughout the day. Today is special, and I wanted to capture this great moment by writing a song straight from my heart. I hope you'll take a moment to listen and enjoy it. Your support means a lot to me.

A very special thanks to some very special people: Yossi Shick, Hershy Markowitz, Beri Glauber, Getzy Berkowitz without you i couldn't have done it.

  • Nachmy Glauber

Composed by Nachmy Glauber.
Music produced by Nachmy Glauber.
Guitar & Piano recorded by Will Eason.
Bass recorded by Shloime Spielman.
Mixed by Jordan Schultz.

Video Produced by Aim Creatives.
Executive director: Mordechai Fligman.
Cinematography: Kevin Wilusz.
Production assistant: Yossi Weber.
Video edit: Hershy Segal.
Cover design: Aim Creatives \ Avrumy.com
Digital Marketing: JMI.

השאירו תגובה

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נפנה אליך בקרוב להצעת פרסום משתלמת.

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